Beginning Ukelele

AGES 12+
TUESDAYS | 7:15-8:15 PM | October 11 – November 29
COST: $175 | INSTRUCTOR: Phil Natividad | CLASS LENGTH: 8 Weeks
Join the ukulele revolution and learn how to play the little instrument that’s taking the world by storm. Beginner Ukulele 1 is the perfect introduction to those who’ve never played an instrument before and is designed to get you making music right away!
We will explore: ukuleles and how to take care of them, open strings, C major and C pentatonic scales, strumming technique, patterns, and basic rhythmic concepts, ow to read chord charts, tablature, and basic musical notation, C chord family, intro to G and F chord families, singing and playing at the same time.
NOTE: Tuning basics will be taught in the first session, for all of the following sessions, students should have their instruments tuned and ready for the start of the class.
Instrument information: Soprano, Tenor or Concert ukulele with C6 (AKA reentrant) tuning. We recommend the Kala K-AS soprano ukulele. A clip-on tuner (Snark or similar) is required.