Supporting our member businesses’ success is always a priority for the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ. To help in this effort, we’re giving out 50 micro-grants of $1,000 each to qualifying small and medium-sized businesses in the downtown area who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses can use the funds for advertising, promotion, signage, rent, repairs, beautification, or other business expenses. Grants will be given to qualifying Downtown Winnipeg BIZ members on a first-come, first-served basis. A minimum of 10 grants are earmarked for supporting Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour-owned businesses.
The Downtown Winnipeg BIZ knows how difficult this pandemic has been for our members. We truly appreciate what each business brings to downtown Winnipeg and work to do what we can to support our members. That support comes in many forms from providing floor decals that help with physical distancing, to providing communication and clarity on the Province’s reopening plans. We hope these micro-grants will help downtown businesses with their expenses through these difficult times.
Eligibility Requirements
- The principal place of business must be within the Downtown Winnipeg Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) and the business must pay a Downtown Winnipeg BIZ levy. (Please check your business address to make sure it is within the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ limits)
- Applicant must be the owner of the business.
- Business must have no more than $1 million in gross total sales between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019.
- Business must have less than 50 employees.
- Business must have experienced a minimum 25% decrease in revenue due to COVID-19.
- Business is independent or locally owned (franchises are included).
- If applicant owns multiple businesses, only one of the businesses may apply to be eligible for the grant.
- Business must not be permanently closed and must intend to continue its operations following the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Business must not have any pre-existing tax liens or legal judgments.
- Business must not be in receivership or bankruptcy.
- The grant can be used for rent payments, mortgage payments, utilities and regular overhead costs, but not any accrued debt or expenses incurred before March 15.
- $10,000 of the grants are allocated to BIPOC-owned businesses. If there are less than 10 BIPOC-owned businesses that qualify, then other qualifying businesses will be chosen.
- Business must have the ability to share the financial impact of this grant for Downtown Winnipeg BIZ marketing and promotional purposes.
Required Documentation
- City tax bill that has your current business address.
Program Questions
- If you have questions about the grant, contact info@downtownwinnipegbiz.com
Starting the Application
- Applications are to be submitted online via the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ website at the location below. If applying online is not possible, the application can be mailed, dropped off or emailed to the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ.